السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
This template comes with 160+ module suffix styles.
Each suffix style can be used in conjunction with others : Simply use an space ' ' to bridge the suffix styles!
Font Awesome Icon Suffixes
Create Font Awesome Icons for your module title simply by adding the icon name to the module suffix class!
class. Check out the
spinning icons example.
Mahasiswa Prodi HES STAIN Kepri Raih Beasiswa Pelatihan Mediasi Batch 126
STAIN Kepri dan RRI Tanjungpinang Perkuat Sinergi melalui Diskusi Pelaksanaan MoU dan PKS
Pelamar Lulus PPPK Kementerian Agama Tahun 2024 STAIN Kepri